The first lady of Glory Gate Chapel has been inviting one, Mr. Ahiadeke, a prominent businessman and loyal KLM Airways customer, to church severally but to no avail.
On this particular Sunday of August 20th, 2023, Mr. Ahiadeke felt compelled to honour the long overdue invitation. Haven’t just come from eye surgery with blurred vision, but he still felt the push to take the chance to drive himself, so, consciously, he drove to church and immediately upon entering the church auditorium, God miraculously cleared the barred vision and immediately he began to see clearly. Glory be to God!!!

At prayer ministration time, he asked for prayer for the release of the held up Canadian Student Visa application for his daughter who already schools in Canada but had come to Ghana for a quick family reunion on the expired student visa, thinking it won’t be much of a problem getting the renewal Student Visa whilst in Ghana, but to her amazement the renewal request became a nightmare. For 8 months she was stranded in Ghana, became confused, and lost all hope as her visa renewal process was held up, even despite her school’s intervention.

We presented this matter before the Lord that same Sunday, and two weeks later, the Canadian High Commission called her to submit her passport for the visa and after 3 days of submission, she went back to collect her passport issued with a renewed Student Visa.
Glory be to God!!!!!


Based on this testimony, I declare into your life that whatever has been held up in your life or over your life be released right now in Jesus Mighty Name.
And I command every blurred vision to clear up right now in Jesus Mighty Name Amen.


3rd September, 2023.



Our dear sister, Mrs. Vida Agbesi, was selected out of three contends, to receive an unusual $5,000 Tuition scholarship, from an American IT education online, she faced challenges in submitting one of the key required documents for processing the scholarship facility. Again, God granted her grace, that the required original SHS school Certificate which she lacked was overlooked, and the final approval was granted. Hallelujah!

PROPHETIC DECLARATION: In the name of Jesus, I decree same grace unto you, that you will be favored above your peers, that every closed door will be opened unto you. Amen.

3RD April 2022.



Twin Sisters, Tracey and Stacey went to the United States on their school vacation. They run out of traveling funds and became stranded. Their mother, Auntie Janosi was at her wit’s ends here in Ghana but trusted God for a way out for the children in the US. On the following Sunday, she gave 1,000GHC at church to be distributed to the choir, ushes, and Associates Pastors, and out of nowhere, God made a way for the children stranded in the US. God caused the children to find favor with the owner of the apartment they were staying who offered them a temporary work opportunity for $1,000 a week. They accepted this job offer and they made enough money to sort themselves out and were grateful to God. Additionally, somebody offered to buy them a car, which will be delivered at the end of the month. Hallelujah. All Glory to God. 

Prophetic Declarations: By this testimony, I declare, you shall never be stranded. God will always make a way for you even where there seems to be no way. No weapon formed against you shall prosper in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

16th January 2022.

Brother Ernest Aboagye


Brother Ernest Aboagye, haven’t heard of sister sergeant Larbi’s lost and found miracle testimony gathered faith to believe God also for his lost Ghana Card. Brother Ernest prayed to the Holy Spirit to help him find what he has lost, just as He has done for our dear sister, and within a few hours of that prayer of faith, he had an idea to move certain luggage from the top of his wardrobe. And in the process, his hand touched something on top of the wardrobe which turned out to be the missing Ghana Card. Hallelujah! All Glory to God.

Prophetic Declaration:  I declare that nothing will be missing in your life in Jesus Name. Whatever you have lost is coming back in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

16th January 2022

Sister, Sergeant Larbi


Sister,  Sergeant Larbi, misplaced a police case docket for several weeks. A frantic effort was made continually to locate this docket but all to no avail. A potential disciplinary action against our sister was looming, and fearing its negative consequences, our sister called on the Holy Spirit to help her locate the file as she has learned through the teaching ministry of the servant of God on the Holy Spirit. Not long after calling on the Holy Spirit for help, she felt a leading to an unassuming polythene bag in the office, and lo, the docket was found inside the polythene bag. Hallelujah! We give all Glory to God.

Prophetic Declarations:  As you read this testimony you have come in contact with the grace of God to locate whatever is missing in your life Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

9th January 2022.




In 2018 the tender age of 12 years old, my daughter (Janelle) was diagnosed with Systemic Lupus. We have had some bumpy roads and hills to climb. In the year 2021. She has had several surgeries and most recently this past summer. Her lupus began to attack her kidneys. Thus her doctors felt that she should begin Chemo (Cytoxan) immediately. As I continued to listen to the word of God through Pastor Boateng. That I was to attack violently through my prayers and fasting. All while Pastor asked me to repeat daily over my child each and every day. “Christ has redeemed my daughter Janelle Christiana Crowder from the curse of the law, having been made a curse for her Janelle Christiana Crowder. Therefore I confess, my daughter Janelle Christiana Crower has been redeemed from Lupus and all other illness. As a result, I decree, every organ, her kidneys, her liver and her female reproductive system, eyes, heart, her lungs, and all joints throughout her body in Janelle Christiana Crowder are functioning perfectly according to the way God designed them to function when he (God) created Janelle’ Christiana Crowder.”We never lost our hope or our joy. But most of all we had our praise. Continuing my devotions and readings with Pastor Boateng and 1st Lady Boateng. I’m glad to report that Janelle Christiana Crowder will take her last Chemo tomorrow December 9th, 2021. All of her doctors agreed that her organs are functioning better than they were before the attack trying to consume her kidneys. I just want everyone to know about our Christmas miracle. Prayer still works and if he did it for my baby. He will do the same for you. I love you all too pieces and I would not advise you to doubt God’s word. He is just that good. Love you much, Sister Jeanne.

PROPHETIC DECLARATION; As you read this testimony so you shall be healed from every spirit of infirmity. By His stripes you have been healed in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

17th December 2021.

Rev. Samuel Boateng


Firstly: The Servant of the Lord, the Senior Pastor, needed to send $3,000 to the US to pay the lawyer’s fee on a legal issue on a personal matter. This payment has been overdue for the past year and a half. After Sunday (“Delay will not Delay me)” service, in the evening a call came from the US, that someone has offered to pay the whole $3,000 immediately. He said the Holy Spirit was all over him to make this payment. Hallelujah! Secondly: On the same day, someone who wants to remain anonymous, approached the man of God, to make available 10,000 cedis right away, so the church can pay the church Rent which is due. We give God all the glory.

PROPHETIC DECLARATION;  I declare in the name of Jesus that there will be a (“speed-financial-breakthrough”) in your life before the year 2021 ends. God will send now prosperity (Psalm 118:25), now deliverance, now salvation, now breakthrough in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

8TH November 2021

Sister Alberta


Sister Alberta, a dear sister of Glory Gate Chapel International (GGCI), received a mighty deliverance, last Sunday, 7th November 2021 after church service. The service was under the theme; (“Delay will not Delay me)”, ministered under the mighty move of the Holy Spirit, and after service, our sister, who is a nurse, went to work, and whilst working, she realized that her menstrual flow was coming profusely, though she has already had her menstrual period for the month. Amazing. The flow kept coming so much so that she had to rush out to the nearby pharmacy within the same shopping Mall, where she works, to buy sanitary pads. At a point, she felt something big was coming out of her so she rushed to the washroom to see what in the world was coming out, and lo, it was a big blood clot, and it came out of her and she is free. she said herself  “I believe it was deliverance from the Lord. ” Hallelujah! Yes, indeed, it was deliverance from the lord. Hallelujah! We give God all the Glory. 

PROPHETIC DECLARATION:  I declare in the name of Jesus, whatever is blocking your progress, whatever is blocking your joy, whatever is blocking your success, or the next phase of your life, it will give way, right now, in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. 

8TH November 2021.

Sister Patricia


Sister Patricia, a spiritual daughter of the Senior Pastor has been a very faithful and very humble member of the church. When she joined the church several years ago, the man of God admonished her to live righteously, and that God will bless her with a very good marriage. Sister Patricia was obedient to the admonishing and just last year, after church service on her way to her employment at Papaye Restaurant, she met her lifetime partner, who is also God-fearing, at our church junction, and on 30th October 2021, they had a beautiful wedding to the glory of God. Hallelujah! We give God the Glory.

PROPHETIC DECLARATION:  I declare, in the name of Jesus, that you will also meet your lifetime partner in due time as you have come in contact with this testimony. I also declare that nothing will stop you from coming in contact with the people God ordained to be your destiny helper. You will be at the right place at the right time for your breakthrough in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

30TH October 2021.

Moses Odjei


Moses Odjei, the international footballer, who plays for the Palermo Football Club of Italy, is now playing exceptionally well, real brilliant soccer, after the servant of God prayed and ministered to him, for the third time, to excel in soccer, when he came to Ghana about 4 months ago on his summer holidays, to testify of how God has been good to him in his soccer profession ever since the man of God convinced and encouraged him to submit his soccer carrier to the Lordship of  Christ about five (5) years ago. Moses Odjer is now playing brilliant and exceptional soccer which has attracted the attention of the Italian media, which is now celebrating his higher soccer performance. The Servant of God has also prayed that Moses Odjei should become a top goal scorer since he gives all glory to Christ. We give all the glory to the Lord.

Prophetic Declaration: I declare that you will also excel in whatever you do as you read this testimony in Jesus Name. You will be above only and not beneath. You will be the head and not the tail in Jesus name, Amen.


David Boateng


Several years ago, in the early stages of ministry, it was a challenge paying school fees for our children. In the final year Senior High School (SHS) examination, our son David was sacked from the exams hall for non-school fees payment disabling him to pass one of the qualifying papers for university entrance. I wept bitterly because we had paid schools fees for others and now couldn’t pay for our son. God encouraged me, and He said to me, He will bless my son in a foreign country and I will start DAVID FOUNDATION  to pay school fees of many. Our son David experienced a unique miracle schools fees paying in the early stages of a university schooling, but last week he got net-breaking school fees paying miracle when his church called him up in front of the congregation and handed him a payment of $6,000 for school fees outstanding bill. Hallelujah! Glory be to God.

Prophetic Declaration:  I declare that you will experience the same miracles as you read this testimony in Jesus Nam, Amen.

15TH OCTOBER 2021.


Sister Rebecca


Sister Rebecca, was employed with Qatar Airways in January 2020 and was laid off October 2020 due to the pandemic. After 8 months  of no job, she approached Rev. Samuel A. Boateng after a Sunday Service for a prayer of God’s intervention. Roughly about 30 minutes of the prayer, a telephone call came from Qatar Airways, Doha restoring her employment fully as a Cabin Crew of Qatar Airways. Rebecca is leaving Ghana 17 October 2021 back to Qatar. Glory be to God.

Prophetic Declarations:  This testimony shall also speak in your life. You will be restored by the favour of God. God will make you to ride on your high hills. He will rejoice over you with His love in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. 

8TH AUGUST 2021.

Sister Elizabeth Doe


Sister Elizabeth Doe joined the Glory Gate Family in 2019 and in 2020 received a miracle promotion which was way overdue. The accompanying package is also forthcoming at a gradual pace. It all began at the 31st 2020 cross-over service. Our sister also received financial breakthroughs, first, her quarterly appreciation remuneration was changed to monthly payments. Secondly, her husband was to pay $5,000 as his part of the payment from insurance coverage for certain repair works done on his house. The husband called for prayers, and after the servant of God prayed, a payment of $5,000 was made on his behalf from an unknown source. Glory be to God. 

Prophetic Declarations:  I prophesy that you too will receive financial miracles in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. 

15TH AUGUST 2021

Sister Martha


Sister Martha, an Executive Sale Representative of Mitsubishi Car Dealership Ghana, was underperforming in sales and received a letter of concern of potential termination of employment. After Rev. Samuel A. Boateng prayed over the letter of concern, Ms. Martha got a purchase order and sold 16 cars in a day. Two months later she sold another 10 cars in one day purchase order, surpassing all her monthly sales target. Glory be to God. 

Prophetic Declarations: As you read this testimony, so your testimony shall also be read by many. I prophesy that your sales performance shall supernaturally become excellent in Jesus Name. You will pass every test and overcome every challenge in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

9TH MAY 2021.

Sister Cynthia


Sister Cynthia stood in a prayer line in proxy for her sister in marriage who was childless when Rev. Samuel A. Boateng called those who desire twins. Amazingly, sister Cynthia who stood in proxy, rather got the twins (boy and girl), against a doctor’s report that she could never have the fruit of the womb because of an infection and as a result, she never had her menstrual period for 7 years. On the first day of the scan test, it was discovered that the girl was 6 weeks 1 day old, and the boy was 5 weeks 4 days old. Amazing! Besides, the twins were different sacks in the womb. Glory be to God. 

Prophetic Declarations: I declare that this twin’s miracle will also speak into your life where needed. I declare that you will not be fruitless; you will not barren. God will bless the work of your hands and the fruit of your labor in Jesus Mighty Name, as you read this testimony. 

28TH AUGUST 2021.

Sister, Sergeant Larbi


Sister, Sergeant Larbi received a miracle promotion of 3 increments to Police Inspector; qualifying her for Chief Inspector in 1 year as opposed to 4 years. Rev. Samuel A. Boateng had a vision of that promotion, which was repeated 3 times to him in a vision, reflecting in the 3 increment promotions. Rev. Samuel A. Boateng revealed this vision to our sister and prayed for her that the vision will come to pass. About two weeks time the vision became a reality and our sister had a 3 increment promotion according to the vision the servant of God had.  For the first time in the Ghana Police Service, an outgoing IGP decided to offer his Clemency Privilege for the promotion of Police  Personnel as oppose to the normal clemency for the release of prisoners. 

Glory be to God.

Prophetic Declarations:  As you read this testimony, I prophesy, that you will also not miss your promotion nor your increase, in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. 

15TH AUGUST 2021.